A list of the most important resources community members are likely to need.
Service Canada
Service Canada – a single point of access to a wide range of government services and benefits.
Edmonton Community Legal
Edmonton Community Legal Centre When you can’t afford a lawyer, offering free legal information and advice to low and moderate income people.
Tenant Support Services
Tenant Support Services
The City of Edmonton works with tenants and landlords to raise awareness of their rights and obligations, and to resolve tenancy issues
Making a Will
Making a Will
Everyone should have one. Allows you to pass on your belongings to loves ones according to your wishes. If you die without a will, it’s more costly, complicated to settle your estate.
Making an Enduring Power of Attorney
Making an Enduring Power of Attorney Plan for the future by appointing someone else to manage your financial affairs while you are still alive but no longer have the ability to do so.
Notaries Public
A Notary Public is a person who can witness oaths, solemn affirmations, the signing of affidavits or statutory declarations. Can also certify documents to be true copies of the original.
Personal Directives
Understanding Personal Directives
Appointing someone to make decisions for you about where to live and your medical care when you’re unable to do so.