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Lifeline is for those committed to making the most of the opportunity of attending livestreams, meetings and seminars by the College of Integrated Philosophy.

We distribute community resources to applicants in real financial hardship. Last-resort support to cover meetings, emergencies and tools towards achieving financial stability.

What is Being Said

When we moved to Edmonton Lifeline helped us a lot in attending seminars and now we are in a better situation we can give  back.”


“It almost seemed like magic, feeling the hands of the community supporting me to attend meetings with John, during a time of extreme financial challenges.”

Jessica L

“One of the sweetest things being here with John, is feeling dearly ‘held’ during times of difficulty: Financial assistance for meetings, helping hands, kind words, very fine educational seminars about our relationship with money…to ensure we have what we need to go forward in this with John.”

Heather O

If you have any questions or comments please write to:

Photography by Jens Gaethje

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