Help on how to make the most of the money and resources you have. Let us know if there’s any specific help you need to become more financially stable.
Financial Counseling
Financial Counselling is available. Please email to make an appointment. Free of charge.
Spending Calculator
Spending Calculator – a useful tool to calculate your expenses, including meetings & seminars.
Managing your Money
Managing your Money – A Government of Canada website
Budgeting, banking, money transfers, insurance and planning your finances at different life stages.
Money Basics
Access to educational materials targeting the diverse financial needs of adults, ranging from topics on financial statements basics to effective financial management
Money Mentors
Money Mentors, a not-for-profit offering all kinds of budgeting tools, debt calculators and helpful tips around money.
Canada Revenue
Canada Revenue – Administering tax laws for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories.